Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Jonathan's Birthday

Sunday was Jonathan's birthday, so Colin, another Jonathan, Jonathan himself and I went out for a dinner to celebrate. We went to an Irish pud for dinner. It's called PJ O'Brien's. When we arrived there, 98% of the table were full booked !!! Luckily we waited for like 5 mins then someone left and we got seats. We saw Phebe and some others OCF ppl there too. Phebe they all were so kind they gave us a buy 1 free 1 meal coupon so we got to share 1 meal with a cheap price with them !!!! Big THX !!!!!

After the meal we went to Eggless dessert at Goodwood about 20 mins tram ride. When we reached there, it's expected full because normally at that time 95% of the shop closed d another reason is because the shop kinda small, only can contain about 20 - 25 people max . So we chit chat while waiting for around 20 mins !!!! But the wait is definitely worth to the max because the desserts are simple but SUPERB !!! That's the only place the Teh Tarik is drinkable plus it's extremely hard to find Teh Tarik here, seriously ! I ordered a Green Tea Tiramisu. Colin ordered a Bubu Cha Cha and birthday Jonathan ordered Sago Pudding ** That's the dessert I will order if I visit there again...Delicious to the max..thousands credit to the coconut milk perfect match with the pudding ** and the other Jonathan only ordered Teh Tarik.

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